Why Should You Switch to Natural Handmade Soap?

In the daily hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the simple choices we make

One of those decisions includes selecting the soap we use, a product we apply on our bodies almost every day. However, most commercially made soaps are manufactured using harsh chemicals that can have adverse effects on our skin. A healthier, more eco-friendly alternative is natural handmade soap. This article will dive into the reasons why you should make this switch and how it benefits you and the environment.

Gentle on Your Skin

Commercial soaps are often made with detergents, hardeners, and synthetic lathering agents. These harsh chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry, itchy, and irritated. On the contrary, natural handmade soap bars are crafted with plant-based oils like olive oil, coconut oil, and shea butter. These natural ingredients are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that nourish your skin and help maintain its natural balance.

Free From Harmful Chemicals

Handmade soap bars are typically free from harmful synthetic chemicals. Commercial soaps often contain parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances, all of which can have detrimental effects on our skin and overall health. For instance, parabens are linked to hormonal imbalances, while sulfates can cause skin irritation. Handmade natural soaps use essential oils for fragrance and plant extracts for colour, making them a safer choice for you and your family.

Environmentally Friendly

Making the switch to natural handmade soap isn't just about what's good for your skin; it's also about what's good for the planet. Commercial soap manufacturing contributes to water and air pollution, especially when harmful chemicals are involved. Handmade soaps, however, are created using sustainable production methods that have a minimal environmental footprint. The ingredients are biodegradable, meaning they break down safely back into the earth. Plus, many artisans package their soaps in recyclable or minimal packaging, further reducing waste.

Packed with Glycerin

Glycerin, a compound that draws moisture to the skin, is produced naturally during the soap making process. It’s a highly valued ingredient due to its moisturising properties. Commercial soap manufacturers often extract glycerin during the production process to use it in more expensive skin care products. Handmade natural soaps, on the other hand, retain all of the glycerin produced during saponification, making them much more moisturising and beneficial for your skin.

Unique and Personalised

Handmade natural soaps are as unique and special as the artisans who create them. You can find a wide range of colours, shapes, and scents that cater to every preference. Whether you love the calming scent of lavender, the refreshing aroma of peppermint, or the invigorating fragrance of citrus, there's a natural soap out there just for you. Plus, handmade soaps make great personalised gifts!

Plastic-Free and Zero-Waste

One of the most compelling reasons to choose handmade natural soap is its potential for zero-waste. Conventional soaps are often packaged in plastic containers or wrappers, which contribute to the vast amount of plastic waste ending up in our oceans and landfills. With 8 million tons of plastic dumped into our oceans each year, every step towards reducing our plastic consumption is a step in the right direction.

Handmade soap makers, however, are usually conscientious about their environmental footprint. Many opt for minimal or plastic-free packaging, using materials such as paper, cardboard, or even fabric wraps that can be reused or easily composted. Some even sell their soaps 'naked', completely without packaging.

Opting for bar soaps instead of liquid soaps also contributes to less plastic usage. Liquid soaps require a plastic bottle, while bar soaps do not. According to a study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, bar soaps have a 25% smaller carbon footprint than liquid soaps.

Additionally, natural soaps do not contain microplastics, tiny particles of plastic often used as exfoliants in commercial soaps and body washes. These microplastics are too small to be filtered out by wastewater treatment plants and end up polluting our waterways and harming marine life.

Therefore, by choosing handmade natural soaps, you’re not only investing in your health but also participating in a broader shift towards sustainable, plastic-free living. It's a small, practical step that we can all take in our daily lives to contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet.

Supporting Local Businesses

When you buy a handmade soap, you are supporting a local or small business. These artisans put their heart and soul into making a product that is not only good for you but also for the environment. By choosing handmade natural soaps, you are supporting their craft and contributing to the local economy.

In conclusion, the benefits of using handmade natural soap far outweigh the convenience of grabbing a commercial soap off the supermarket shelf. It's a simple switch, but one that has a profound impact on our skin, our health, and our planet. So, why not give handmade natural soap a try? Not only will your skin thank you, but you'll also play a part in making a greener and healthier world.


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